Tower Inspections

Effectively Manage Your Cell Towers with Improved Efficiency, Speed and Safety

The traditional way of carrying out cell tower inspection involved the use of heavy equipment at the cell tower site and a person climbing the tower. This poses serious bodily risk as well as a huge insurance cost for your company.

Commercial drones are transforming the way cell tower companies are inspecting and auditing their wireless infrastructures through the rapid, repeatable and safe gathering of high-resolution images and 4K video of towers.

If you are planning to use drones for tower inspection, you need to have the professional experience that will enable you to move close to the structure with an integrated thermal imaging camera. You also need to have an idea of the type of drones that will not be downed by electromagnetic interference.

Here at U.S. Drone Inspections, our drone cell tower inspection solution enables service providers and operators to safely fly drones and comply with area flight requirements. By making use of our tower inspection services, you will be able to see all angles of your tower so that you can safely know if your tower infrastructure has an issue.

Why Choose U.S. Drone Inspections For Your Cell Tower Inspection?

U.S. Drone Inspections has found an efficient and effective way to inspect and manage towers with enhanced speed and safety. Our professional drone pilots coupled with the right drones, cameras and software will enable us to save you a huge amount of money while inspecting the problematic areas in your cell tower infrastructure.

By making use of UAV technology (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) to provide HD photos, videos, and GPS data, you will be able to inspect the problematic issues with your tower in real-time, identify the problems faster, and reduce down-time.

Our drone services produce 3D models for mount mapping and analysis reports. These reports will enable you to know the dimensions of the structure, size and location of pipe mounts, tower connection details as well as mount loading.

Our drone cell tower inspection services will enable you to easily inspect heights that would have been dangerous or impossible to reach by traditional methods.

Reduces Cost
Using our drone services for analysis, mapping, monitoring, and inspection will go a long way in reducing your costs by providing quick access to high quality data.

Let U.S. Drone Inspections Help You To Safely Inspect The Condition of Your Towers!

U.S. Drone Inspections is a professional drone service company. Our experts are FAA certified and experienced in handling all forms of drone services, industrial or commercial. Contact us if you are planning to carry out a tower inspection.