Electric Utilities

Faster, Safer and More Accurate Solutions for Electric Utilities Inspections

A lineman’s job is a very risky one and a slight mistake can lead to loss of life. Being able to locate dangers such as corrosion, cross-arm failure, termite invasion, wood rot and high resistive joints without climbing poles is highly beneficial.

Here’s where our Electric Utilities inspection services come in.

U.S. Drone Inspections make pole inspections faster, safer and more accurate than traditional methods. We offer more effective and cost-efficient Electric Utilities inspection to boost production and streamline operational procedures.

Our Electric Utilities inspection services will help you to:

  • Identify toxic and risky locations on your site.
  • Provide footage captured in real time.
  • Showcase areas that need attention.
  • Reduce structural failure.
  • Efficiently locate equipment failure.
  • Document progress with detailed and accurate data.

We can fly our drones to the top of any pole, no matter its height and size, for a close inspection. We are able to do this through the help of our highly skilled operators, high definition cameras and a thermal imaging payload. Our pilots can safely capture all the photos and the data that are needed for maintenance.

Our Process

Data Acquisition
We will start by planning our drone flights to ensure that your objectives are actualized. We will then carry out the drone flight to gather high-quality data.

Measurements between objects will be ascertained through the use of our secure photogrammetry software.

Business Insights
Analysis of the measurements will enable us to come up with detailed and actionable insights that will help us to deploy the right maintenance on your asset.

Let’s Talk!

Contact us today to learn more about our Electric Utilities inspection service and to also enquire for a FREE quote.