Oil and Gas

Drones provide oil and gas companies various benefits such as cost savings, safer work environments, improved communication and more accurate computer aided data.

Maintenance of pipelines and surveillance activities are expensive to plan and execute. They must be carried out routinely to avoid pipeline leakages, production outages and unexpected shutdowns.

Our drone services provide great opportunities for cost savings through:

  • Automated data collection.
  • Automated maintenance and surveillance.
  • Data analysis for predictive insights.

Cost-Saving Pipeline Inspections

Inspecting oil and gas infrastructure with drones is less expensive than traditional methods of inspection. Since drones can withstand harsh temperatures, they can get closer to oil and gas infrastructure than a helicopter. This helps to provide better images and more comprehensive data.

By making use of our drone services for inspecting your infrastructure, you will be able to reduce downtime by avoiding the need to stop operations for inspections.

Your employees will also be able to carry out inspection and monitoring activities without being exposed to the dangers of oil and gas operations.

Safe Work Environments

Climbing up and down ladders and catwalks at wells and offshore rigs is risky. In most cases, inspectors work very close to harmful chemicals and dangerous machinery.

Drones make it possible for you to carry out inspections without risking your safety. We can help inspect your infrastructure after blowouts or natural disasters.

Accurate Data

Since drones can accommodate a wide range of cameras and sensors, they can gather the data needed for real-time solutions. They can also store data for future analysis.

By integrating digitized mapping information from our drone flights into analytical solutions, you will be able to make better, data-driven decisions. This helps you to reduce downtime, detect issues faster and keep your operation running.

Top-Notch Communication

The remote nature of oil and gas activities presents a challenge to managers and engineers that work from the headquarters. Our drone services can help you overcome this challenge.

We can fly drones on your site (from the ground) and upload the data to the cloud where they can be reviewed by office managers. Our service will make it easy for your back office to markup maps in real time so that your inspectors can detect leaks and other issues.

Get Practical and Economical Solutions for Your Upstream, Midstream and Downstream Operations